Meeting Financial Obligations After Disability: What’s Your Plan?
Plan ahead and purchase a disability insurance policy to get added peace of mind and protect yourself from financial loss after an unexpected disability.
Plan ahead and purchase a disability insurance policy to get added peace of mind and protect yourself from financial loss after an unexpected disability.
The CPA Insurance Marketplace offers a variety of insurance and financial packages to members. The end of the open enrollment period for 2015 is fast approaching. We know that members are busy. You might currently have a plan in place,…
Here are the most important dates for 2015 coverage: Coming soon: Health insurance plans and estimated prices for 2015 coverage will be available for viewing in early November. If you need coverage before 01/01/15, you can still view and shop…
1. One Stop Shopping. No need to jump to multiple websites to compare plans. Members now have an easy way to evaluate every available plan from leading companies like Aetna, FloridaBlue, Humana, United, Cigna, and Coventry. The private exchange includes…
As we approach the busy insurance renewal season, you may be looking for a better solution for offering health and other benefits to your employees. Here are the top ten reasons for considering the CPA Insurance Marketplace Exchange for you…
The national open-enrollment period for health insurance coverage for 2015 is Nov. 15, 2014 through Feb. 15, 2015. During this period, insurance carriers offering coverage must guarantee acceptance into Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant health insurance plans without limitations on pre-existing…
Members may change plans during open enrollment, which is scheduled to close on March 31, 2014. Annual open enrollment is scheduled to close on March 31, 2014. We'd like to remind you to apply for coverage or if you've already…
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established the first-ever nationwide open enrollment period for individual and family health insurance, which began on October 1, 2013, and will continue through March 31, 2014. This open enrollment applies to the federal and state…
Don't wait! Finalize your coverage decisions and apply now. Our benefits counselors are available to answer those last few questions you might have. We want to ensure that if you desire coverage on January 1st, that everything is in good…
Just as every employee is unique, so are their benefit needs. Employers, with 5 or more enrolled employees, now have a way to address the different requirements of each employee, while also managing the company’s bottom line. That means cost…